We are currently working to give you the best
playground experience

Stem Splitter

html:// troke- dasharray: 187; div< 12heugh stroke-dashoffset: 0; transform-origin: center; -webkit-animation: dash html:// troke- dasharray: 187; div< 12heugh stroke-dashoffset: 0; transform-origin: center; -webkit-animation: dash

Padlock Icon
Currently unavailable,
Please register for demo
Gen AI Music
Blurred Image
Padlock Icon
Currently unavailable,
Please register for demo
Asset Tracker
Blurred Image
Padlock Icon
Currently unavailable,
Please register for demo

Meet the Uhmbrella team

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Drew Lemoine

CEO, Co-Founder

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Sabian Hibbs

CTO, Co-Founder

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Hamish Wright

CFO, Co-Founder

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Manny Uwak

Head of Design

Contact us

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