
Our Mission is to is to empower creators,
artists & content owners with A.I tools to
create, protect & track authorship,
copyright, & IP.

Our Solutions

Our innovative solutions address
key challenges

Our unique AI tools are designed to
revolutionize the management and protection
of copyrighted works.

Updating Legacy Metadata

We are updating legacy metadata with correct authorship and IP.

Simple User Interface

An easy-to-use interface to empower users and stakeholders of all abilities.

Copyright Verification System

Effective copyright verification system to protect the rights of creators.

Tracking of AI Usage

Suite of tools to track AI use in copyrighted works, watermarking (stamping) to ensure accurate renumeration.

Uhmbrella API

Effective API for stem splitting, asset tracking and audio DSP processor.

The Uhmbrella API

(Powered by Microsoft)


Asset Track System

Track and verify audio files with similarity and
ISRC tracking.


Gen AI Music

Generate music from audio file swiftly with quick response from our AI.


Stem Splitter

Separate any audio file into its individual instruments.


Audio DSP Processor

We have a bespoke collection of toolsets like (Dynamics, Reverb, Delay, EQ and many more) for audio processing.

Contact us

Want to know more?

Get in touch and we will get back to you
within 24 hours